In an increasingly competitive job market, it is essential that your voice doesn't let you down. Voice for Women in Business gives you the strategies and vocal techniques to help to you speak with vocal elegance, to find your voice of authority, and to help you gain greater vocal confidence.
First impressions matter! Voice for Women in Business will help you to make the right vocal impact in many professional scenarios. You pay attention to your outward appearance - now you can develop your vocal style as well.
This audio guide fits perfectly around your busy lifestyle. It could even provide a little 'me' time! It will encourage you to develop a solid vocal foundation that you can apply to all aspects of your life, but especially in the workplace.
Topics include:
Practical Exercises for:
Achieving Poise, Combating Tension, Improving Breath Control, Achieving an Open Sound, Resonance, Pitch Range, Dynamic Articulation, Emotional Connection and Vocal Elegance
Voice Scenarios - Your Voice in Business:
Applying for a job, An Interview, Meetings, A Sales Pitch, Positive Presenting, A One to One Meeting, An Adversarial Environment, Vocal Defaults, Dos and Don'ts, Vocal Warm Up